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Re: Good Morning!

Thanks @Shaz51 

so much Shazzie 🌺

Re: Good Morning!

Ok. Thanks @TAB 


I feel that I wish I had a structure in my life. I wish I could say 


" I'm a .........


But I can't. Iv just experienced gummies. Iv never ever dealt with stuff like that but if I have a very tiny amount it takes the stress off. 

Re: Good Morning!

..just say 'I'm Peppi Patty' @PeppyPatti 

Re: Good Morning!

im still secretly giggling over this message ....

Mr Rockers watching the footy.....I'm giggling over your message to @lavenderhaze 

Re: Good Morning!

I hope you're healing fast and well, @tonys. I hope the food is good/enough and that you're resting up and enjoying the imposed 'holiday'. I got my car last week and have been doing a little gallivanting. Sure feels good. Get well soon.

Re: Good Morning!

So pleased you found Sane, @tonys—and that Sane found you! Your input here is priceless. You've made a lot of friends here as, no doubt, you do in life. 

Re: Good Morning!

I haven't been about a lot lately, but just wondering how you are doing, @SmilingGecko?

Re: Good Morning!

well done re car @Historylover  must be a new World

Re: Good Morning!

morning @LouLouMagoo 😀😎

Re: Good Morning!

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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