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Re: Good Morning!

Hi @Shaz51 

Iv been thinking about you. Iv been going through different struggles so apologise I haven't contacted.


But know iv been thinking about you during these times your going through and I'm sorry. 


I bet you are a strong support for Mr Shaz51 

Re: Good Morning!

Hey @lavenderhaze 




Reading this @TAB 

Thinking about you 

Re: Good Morning!

Yes, it will take time @Shaz51 

That's a beautiful way to honour her ❤️ 

Re: Good Morning!

all good @PeppyPatti  sorry to bore you

Re: Good Morning!

Oh @TAB 

You Tabby 


I am trying to get question to you deleted because your in a fix. 

 MrRocker  going through this too. 


After going away from Sanr forums I realised I needed just to be completely honest. 


That's what your being. 



Re: Good Morning!

Is everything okay @PeppyPatti ?

Re: Good Morning!

Eating popcorn with chocolate in them. Dark drizzle. 


Forgiving myself for attitude of letting go whilst on Sane forums. 


Very nice to say hello 🤗 




Re: Good Morning!

its ok @PeppyPatti 

heres a tip .. go to edit post, delete everything and re-post it if thats what you want to do..

Re: Good Morning!

Hello and hugs my @PeppyPatti 🥰

Re: Good Morning!

@lavenderhaze  Hello. How has your day been?

Your handle @lavenderhaze  is that because you love the herb or you are secretly a Fremantle Dockers or Jimi Hendrix fan?

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