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Something’s not right

Re: why can't I cope longer?

Hey @Former-Member, 

I just wanted to let you know the email provided by @moxi will still reach the SANE team, and I'd really like to encourage you to get in touch with us directly if you have concerns so we can support you and work with you to ensure they are resolved. If you'd feel more comfortable, you're welcome to specify in your email that you would only like to liaise with the SANE team and we'll get back to you. We are here to support you. All the very best, 


TideisTurning 💜 

Re: why can't I cope longer?

Hi @Former-Member,

I've just been reading through your posts overnight, and am so sorry to hear that you are feeling hurt Heart 


It is a limitation of online forums sometimes, that we can't always provide the level of support, one to one support or instant response that you might be looking for. I wonder if you might be interested in chatting to our peer workers  in a 1:1 peer support session via phone or webchat during those times when you feel you need more support? Is that something you would be interested in?


In terms of using the support button, it's something we encourage all members to do when they want to show support, but may not be up to responding or want to show that they are listening. At the moment, lots of people are carrying some big things with their mental wellbeing and the complexities of lockdowns etc, and that's okay. It is definitely not a reflection on you Heart


I'm hearing that it feels like there hasn't been the level of response that you are looking for, and I can assure you that there has been nothing on our end preventing this Heart We always want our forum members to feel supported, and I am really sorry to hear that it hasn't been feeling that way at the moment.


Reading through the other posts that have been made here, we can see how valued you are in this community Heart I hope in those times when you feel you need more support, that you can reach out to the Peer Support Team or Help centre.

Take care EOR Heart

Re: why can't I cope longer?


Re: why can't I cope longer?

Can you tag me please @Appleblossom I am interested to read the article. I don't shy away from the topic as far as using articles as learning tools, does that make sense? 

"Knowledge is power"

To be informed might be the difference in saving a loved one's life I think.

Hugs to both of you  🙏💞



Re: why can't I cope longer?

Thankyou so much @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @TideisTurning @Appleblossom @TideisTurning this means a lot to Clawde right now @Anastasia @Shaz @TAB 

Re: why can't I cope longer?

@Former-Member  I'm really sorry you feel as though you have been attacked, and that you consider myself and others have condoned that.  I know you are going through a really difficult time, and I sincerely wish there was something I could say to help you through it.  But I fear there isnt, and worry that anything I say may be misinterpreted. So I will just say that I value your friendship and your sound and well considered advice ... and that is not going to change.  I am off to bed now, to try to get some sleep, so I will say good night now my friend.

Emelia 💕
Not applicable

Re: why can't I cope longer?

About feeling passed over:
@Anastadia said: "I can assure you no one has been asked not to talk to you sweetheart. That doesn't happen. I'm sorry it feels that way"
@Maxi said: "sometimes people support a post without replying because they want you to know that they care, but aren't sure what to say"
@Emelia8 said: " I have not been told by anyone to avoid you in any way. Hitting the support button is meant to let you know that I support you"
@Clawde said: "I press the support button every time I read different posts. And "the hello to Shaz I do all the time when I see her as she helped me..."
@Daisydreamer said:
"I can assure you that there has been nothing on our end preventing responses you want" and "lots of contributors are carrying big issues in their own right atm, it's no reflection on you"...
Thank you for taking the time to write, to help me address this paranoia I feel. It's embarrassing to have to ask, to expose my heart and feel vulnerable. I Really appreciate being told it's not being engineered behind the scenes, I need to hear it to drown out Anxiety's voice in my head. Thank you. I'm not intending to cause a negative ripple affect in the forums, not to I see evidence of that, im just asking for help, and you've heard me. Thank you. I'm greally glad it's not gossip or slander or vindictiveness, but rather my faulty filter and everyone's just busy trying to cope with things as best they can. I hear you, and feel for yas. I couldn't handle half of what some of yas are going through. No way! You inspire me.

Often I don't know what to say to posts either and just ✓ or post an image. I get it, and understand it requires much energy to write sometimes. Especially with many issues, sensitive or deep ones.

ANASTASIA - thank you for going to the trouble of writing out that cleansing ritual. I will definately do this.

I'll let you know how I go with the cupboard. I don't think it's guilt over my girl 😞, but i do need to call it a night too.

Thanks again everyone. I do love Yas, even the prickly ones 🌵 lol

Re: why can't I cope longer?

Hugs and sleep well dear @Former-Member 

Got ya in our corner we have 🤗🙏💞

Not applicable

Re: why can't I cope longer?

@Former-Member  - I feel grossly misrepresented and offended and triggered by post above.  Could you  please remove it from public view. 


@Daisydreamer @



looks like my reply to it was lost :face_with_rolling_eyes: (not helping guys)

Not applicable

Re: why can't I cope longer?

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