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Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

@Teej All good i have my own stuff going on today... Work & staff issues mainly

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

💜💐 @Teej ..... heading home. Bit brain fogged today (detox) but I will be around .....

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

@Teej I do Beauty as a living. It isn't all glamour... Theres alot times you are everyones therapist. It can be exhausting. On top of that you have newbies fresh out of college coming in on their high horse thinking they know the trade, ignorant customers complaining about treatment prices though half forget labour, product rent, profit, rent goes all in that just to keep the business existing... On top of that again though you have girls competing with one another on a daily basis not focusing on the client's needs... I had a staff member virtually lash out at me in regards to myself telling her to make sure she does not cut her treatments short...An older maturer woman...I am 28...
Picked her to be the type that likes working individually but her response & my own feedback was taken personal rather than just taking it on board with her improvement as a therapist. Didn't care, told me to go away and had no regard for that client. On top of that she was wearing a uniform with a different salon logo within the spa which isn't professional...

My work is full on at times

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

@Teej Wine 🍷 comes in great use when you need it

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Dear teej @Teej I haven't caught up with you for so long. I will go back over your posts to try and get a handle on what has been happening. Take care. gp xxx

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Oh dear @Former-Member, it does sound full on. I hope you have a gentle night. Yes a glass of wine can help to de-stress. I think last night I pushed that one glass of wine too far 😜

Cheers to a better day tomorrow 🥂

@Faith-and-Hope I think you are not on the roster for teej duty tonight 😘. Am going to my parents for tea with s2 for his birthday.....but I’m doing a bit better too. Would love to hear your stuff though if you are up to it. 💜🤗

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

@Teej To that! 🍾

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

D3 got deferred from uni today for the rest of the semester ... to chase down what is still wrong with her health.(she has had an inflammation marker come up in blood tests and has cramping pains in her stomach) ...,. and maybe change course for next semester to something she would enjoy more ..... and to get her established in mental health support .....

Mr. came in late to the counsellor apt this morning, and only stayed briefly while admin took a look at her course options, so he hasn’t heard yet that she has been deferred. Wait for the fireworks .......

Our house is flooded now with sorting. Was supposed to be one box at a time while we unpacked stuff from a rental property in another city that was supposed to be for extended family use ..... think I mentioned that to you on the Carer’s thread ..... mr. got impatient so 1 x box a day turned into 3 x boxes a day .... and then let’s not worry about whether the last ones have been cleared before ..... oh, well, might as well just tip out the lot ‘ey ?


So, treading water amongst a clutter-maze and taking one day at a time ..... Lenten diet program or not, I’m going looking for ice cream right now. It’s D3’s fault ..... she sent me to the supermarket for mince ..... I blame her .... lol .....

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Thanks @greenpea i had read you have had a difficult time lately too. 

I found this 67057ABC-432A-44BA-ABD8-49CB0EFD1AB1.jpeg

which made me smile and think you could put it in your tool kit.

I’m kind of feeling bad as you’ve found on of my crisis places in this thread. It will usually be full of me being emotionally out of control. That’s my BPD side taking control. It’s not pretty I’m afraid. 

Oops posted too soon. I hope today has been a little calmer for you and you’ve been able to concentrate a little more. I wish that I’d been able to post to you yesterday but I was in my head and swinging wildly emotionally. Best wishes 💜🤗

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Oh dear @Faith-and-Hope. It sounds like padamonium at the moment. I hope it’s ok with you if I let you have it and I not have any 😜😂.....of course you know I’m the one that causes it mostly in this house. 

I hope you can get to the bottom of d3s illness soon. It sounds wise for her to sort this stuff out first. And yes she needs to enjoy what she is studying. It’s the driving force once you find that passion. 

Good luck with boxes and mr. the devil in me would want to put it all back in boxes and label it 'to be opened last' on every box but three. 😂

sending hugs to cure family stresses 💜🤗

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