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Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Nope. Just me thinking I’m a witch who should be burned. 🔥

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Okay, well I don’t agree ......

Sounds like Inner Critic being heavy handed with you Hon.

Gentle now ...... you’re no witch.

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

i don’t want to be here again. I want it to be over. 

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

I know @Teej, but that is because you are feeling lost in it at the moment, but you know it doesn’t stay the same ...., and your kids need you in their future.

I want want you in my future .... I know that much. I look for you, you know. We have travelled a lot of nights together, and I really appreciate that .... I miss you when you’re not here.

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

If I stop responding @Faith-and-Hope its because I’ve fallen asleep. 

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Thank you for letting me know. It would be good for you to sleep, but I am here until you do.


Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

My world is about to change. The kids would be better off without me when it does. I’ve been setting stuff up so it’s easier for them. 

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Are you talking about the house ?


Re: Feeling emotionally out of control


Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

If you discussed your plans and options with your brother, what would he prefer as an outcome, and what would he and others be prepared to do to keep you safe and in their lives ?

Think beyond this time @Teej ..... and keep to the values you want for your sons .....

Just my thoughts.


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