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Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Hugs n hugs to you @Teej 💜💐💕

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

@Teej Those lyrics mean alot to me
Take care of yourself k 💜

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Hi @Teej, I can hear how much you're struggling at the moment. Did you want to log onto chat and get some support from us here at the HC tonight?



Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

@Faith-and-Hope Are you still around? Self medicated but not taking me down. Got caught by s4 with evidence strewn around. Don’t want to be on here but don’t know where to be. 

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Keep as steady as you can @Teej ..... breathe ....,. drink water ......

I think hydrating will help your physical system regulate, which should work tonstrady your chemical system as well .....

Sorry to be all scientific on you, but we are organic beings and sometimes we are reaching for other explanations when the physical baseline hasn’t been stabilised.

Make sense ?

I am here with you. Not going to bed for a while yet. Stay with me ......

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

I can’t hold it together still without falling over hugely. I’m so tired of feeling like I’m in a washing machine. Today has been so hard. 

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

I was a much better person in the first year of the forum. I suck at everything now. I am a :pile_of_poo::angry_face_with_horns:

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Here and listening if you want to talk about it @Teej .....


Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

She’s a witch she’s a witch. What do we do with witches? We burn them. 

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

I don’t agree @Teej ..... you have had turbulent times, but you have also had steadier times.

Is the witch reference something that was said to you ?

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