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Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

You know I love you @Teej .... one of my forum sisters you are .... and I am looking forward to the photos when the time is right ...

Great that you have been working on the room .... ❣️

It’s all baby steps @Teej .... and for now, sleep is on the agenda .....


Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Glad you like it @Teej ..... 💕

Love these little birds.  They are everywhere ..... little feathered bouncy balls .....

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

You know I don’t think that’s enough though. I need to feel it like I used to. I’m such a shit of a person. I’m a self centred arse. 

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

No @Teej .... anyone who has mh battles has to be self-oriented ... it’s a major part of recovery .... “apply your own oxygen mask first before attending to others” ..... remember ?

Part of what we are dealing with in our situation is everyone becoming self-focussed.  It’s necessary .... tiring, but necessary.  You will all pass through these stages as a part of recovery ....

Stop fighting them, and stop using them to beat yourself up with ..... just accept they are part of recovery and keep swimming Hon .....


Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Hi @Teej @Faith-and-Hope

We all take turns when we need support, you have helped many members when they were struggling, we are here for you, try not be so hard on yourself.

Take care


Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

I know some spoilt brats @Teej, and you’re not it .....

Stop the pills and drink now .... you know you have taken enough to sleep .... 

Youre going through stages and cycles, each change in your circumstances is going to cause some spin-out ..... geez .... I had spin-out from our relocation ..... it’s allowed !!

What is important now is to curb the spiralling.  Leave it alone tonight, cos you know your judgement is impaired .... and sleep it off.  Things are going to look different in the morning.


Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

hugs @Teej - agreeing with everything that @Faith-and-Hope is saying. I'm here sitting with you and sending hugs. stay safe, sleeping it off now is a good idea.

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Not sure what to:p say. Feeling sleepy. Thanks @Former-Member, @SleepyPanda, sorry you both got dragged into my shit. I hope you are ok @Former-Member. Sorry I’m sucking so much at life just now. Haven’t made it out the house for over a week, no volunteering or group. Just me being an asshole. Whines away. Need to go. So sorry for my stuff. Night all

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

If I could come over and tuck you in @Teej, I would ..... and don’t worry, your house couldn’t scare me .... you don’t know what I have seen / lived in / stayed in before ..... 

Keep yourself safe Hon .... you mean too much to too many people around here .... and there ....

If you can’t do that by yourself, then call somebody in .... but I hope you’re ready to sleep now.

I am proud of you for reaching out here tonight.  You don’t have to put your best foot forward here.  You know that .... any way you are, our arms are open .... and it’s the same for all of us.  I haven’t reached our hardest yards yet.

Hugs n hugs @Teej .... 💜💐💕💜💐💕💜

Re: Feeling emotionally out of control

Hugs @Teej - you havent sucked anyone in to your stuff, here because we want to be and because we care. Its good that you are reaching out and helping yourself to be accountable. I really hope that you are able to sleep and things are slightly better tomorrow. You know dog will forgive you too 😄 hugs, stay safe.

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