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Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @NatureLover 

I've had a lovely day out in the country, up in the Yarra Valley - an early Christmas present from extended family. 

Hmm yes your worsened excoriation disorder would ring loud warning bells re your state of stress and anxiety. I hope the day off helped, but I'm concerned for you as you say the leadup to Xmas is so busy. Perhaps you can prioritise some things in your daily routine - meals sleep and laundry? and try to keep the kitchen functional, and let the rest slide for a while. Will you be seeing your psychologist soon?

The specialist said I'm not to do much if any housework for 6 weeks after the op so  I'm considering going back to one of the support agencies. She also said I'll never be able to do heavy gardening or lifting which is a blow as I'd hoped to get back to it.

I've been looking online for a new psychologist but it seems hopeless, there are no good matches close by. My gp tried to recall me to discuss it but I postponed, it seems very difficult to talk about.

Fingers crossed you can take things quietly for a few days. I fear the dog situation is probably contributing to your worries - I'm glad you have the support of your doglover friend in whatever you decide to do.



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for your lovely message, @Dimity .


That's a blow for you, re the gardening and lifting. Does this mean there are some things in your garden you won't be able to take care of? 


I'm glad you had a nice day out - I can sense it did you good - you sounded more relaxed. 


I always prioritise meals, sleep and laundry - but not healthy meals. Nor the kitchen. I see my psychologist in a week.


Good luck with contacting a support agency for the 6 week period after your surgery. I hope you can get the help. 


Regarding a new psychologist, would there maybe be a suitable one further away? That after one or two appts, you could then see via Telehealth? 


The aggressive male dog is still away. I've bought some dog treats for the well behaved dog and may try to "meet" her this weekend. I think I'll only need my dog-loving friend when I meet the aggressive dog. 


I had a lovely slow day yesterday - it did me good. Ditto today hopefully. Unfortunately work ramps up at this time of year, so from Monday I may need to do some overtime to keep up. I hope not 😣


Good luck with your tasks today. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm glad you rested @NatureLover . How could you eat better? High food prices don't help.

I'll be banned from heavy lifting, heavy gardening and digging tree roots.

I had an assessment today for subsidised support and felt quite rattled and confused by it. Support seemed agreed but then withdrawn as my problems aren't of recent onset. I guess there'll be another long wait before I know the outcome.

Good luck with the dog. I wouldn't try it without the owner present. They could help you get the dog to sit, stay etc for the treats. 

Warm wishes for a restful weekend. 




Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for your warm wishes, @Dimity . I had to laugh at the "restful" bit, as yesterday I had 3 things on - way too much! But luckily I woke up to a better day than I'd been having, and I was able to handle it, including a long lunch with a friend plus my work Christmas Party at night. 


That seems crazy to me that your support could be withdrawn as your problems aren't of recent onset. Surely they're still problems needing support?


I could definitely eat more vegetables. Sadly all my recent spinach plants appear to be going to seed - already! I'm disappointed. 


I "met" the well-behaved female dog this morning (with the owner there) and gave her 2 dog treats. It went well, but unfortunately she then rushed up to me the next time she saw me. 


I'm sorry you've been banned from heavy gardening 😣


I took a mental health day off work on Thursday so tomorrow will be extra busy. I'm having trouble facing a lot of things at the moment. 


I hope you're enjoying this mild sunny weather we're having. I sat outside in the sun earlier. 


Hoping you have a good day today.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Certainly sounds like a busy time for you @NatureLover . 

It sounds as though the female dog might have taken a shine to you.  I hope she doesn't jump or otherwise frighten you... I agree a charging dog is a bit off-putting. 

I've been doing chores but there's a mountain to get through. I guess I have a deadline to work towards again now the surgery date has been set. I'll just have to plug away at it.

The weather was better today, not as humid. Spinach is often grown as a cool weather crop. Lots of things bolt in the heat unfortunately. Some of my basil is doing better than others. The cherry tomato has its first flowers. The parsley is a bit slow.

I hope you're not too busy tomorrow with the double whammy of the missed day and the seasonal rush.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I hope the 2 month deadline helps. I agree - I feel that mountain too 😥


The female dog hasn't taken a shine to me I don't think, but was maybe expecting more dog treats? I was worried that might happen. 


I didn't know that spinach was a cool weather crop - thanks for the tip. I guess I might have to try again in...autumn?


I'm looking forward to work today as it's the only place I feel competent - I don't feel competent at life or with the house. However I'm also not looking forward to work today as there will be an overload of work to do. 


I agree that the weather was much nicer without the humidity.


Good luck today - maybe you will get another 4 hour burst of energy! 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hope work wasn't too onerous @NatureLover . I identified with my work too and felt a loss of identity several times when unable to continue in jobs for various reasons. I was a workaholic too and never had a good work-life balance or set up good routines.

The day started well with meditation and garden (novel for me) but I spent hours wrestling with online forms and trying to get through to my health fund (7 attempts, long waits most times before being cut off).

Treats=love to some dogs I think but training for good manners is important... like sitting first. If she's intelligent she'll twig, especially if it's reinforcing what her owner does.

Hopefully we can tackle our mountains if well equipped with a good mindset and plan of attack. I haven't got the plan yet.


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I worked over 6 hours yesterday and am exhausted. (My usual shift is 5 hours, but I often leave early plus take a lot of days off for MH reasons.)


I can't seem to manage work plus the house. 


It sounds like you enjoyed your career? 


The online forms and hours on the phone sound awful! Did you have success in the end?


I wrote on your thread that I've realised I'm pushing burnout again. My last burnout was in 2020-21 and lasted 8 months. 😥 I was unable to work. But work is ramping up, so I feel torn. Plus the pressure of my house being out of control. 


I might have to have a couple of weeks off work in January. Once again letting the team down. 😣


I hope you feel energetic today...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @NatureLover I hope you're getting over your exhausting day yesterday. 

Yes the health fund finally noticed something was wrong and rang me back. So I've got my hospital preadmission done.

I found my work very interesting and rewarding but seemed vulnerable to bullying. And with mh ups and downs it wasn't easy.

Please forgive me for the observations that follow, they come from deep care and concern for you. I feel we've known each other quite a while. 

I'm sorry to hear you're struggling but if you don't mind my saying so you're not necessarily facing burnout. To me it seems you've still been getting back on track after your awful virus and asthma several months ago, and you don't yet have the stamina to cope with heavier work demands. And at home you've been severely stressed by the new neighbour's arguments and dogs, to the point of fearing you could never go out or even hang washing. I think you've done extraordinarily well to come this far. I wonder if you can ease up a bit over the next couple of weeks rather than waiting for the complete break in January. 

You've also made a lot of progress in setting up your big outside storage box and your new inside shelving units.i have the impression you've done all that since you were at your lowest ebb maybe 6 months ago. You've overcome the prolonged virus and asthma and had your anaemia treated. It's not at all surprising a particularly heavy workload and perhaps overfull social calendar is taking a toll at the moment.

I wonder if you're still overstocking non-perishable foods at the expense of fruit and vegetables, but I understand you might have some strong food preferences and aversions.

When it comes to working your way through the boxes in the shed, which you'd hoped to do in January, perhaps we can support each other. I need to tackle my boxes too as I'll be quite unable to lift them after my surgery. Chores? We can reactivate the magic of tidying thread and cheer each other on. Relaxation and downtime? Books. And garden. I still have my precious reading light in its mailing box... time to unpack it. If it doesn't help, I've found my library has a wonderful collection of audiobooks.

My love to you @NatureLover, and I hope you're able to journal your tribulations for your wonderful psychologist. Take care my friend.



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thank you for your beautiful care and post, dear @Dimity ❤


Will reply more fully later, but wanted to say I'm glad your pre-admission is all done, well done 👏

And I would be thankful to work with you on boxes in January 👍


Sending ❤

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