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Re: Share a cuppa?

I wrote a number of short stories, poems and music until I had my first major mental breakdown, at age 28. I lost confidence in my creativity, and have only been regaining it since I started doing music again. @Glisten it takes having the courage to do something very badly, or have things fail to nurture your creativity...and in this country we're very judgementally harsh when people fail...and fear of that judgementalism really stifles creativity. An artist friend of mine says freedom is being able to be bad at something and do it publicly because you know you're honing and nurturing your art and getting better at it.

That's something that those of us with mental health conditions need to keep in mind, that others will judge us, but we can choose not to let their views stop us from persuing our passions, afterall we're not doing it for them we're doing it for us first and foremost. Arts are a public showing, but a private passion, and unlike in people's minds, in the arts there's no such thing as right or wrong, good or bad, there's just what feels right or complete and what doesn't.

Re: Share a cuppa?

I had a very good day @Shaz51, and we had a great rehearsal yesterday. I'm also working on three ideas for short stories, as well as keeping up my exercise. I shall be enjoying a good rest on Sunday afternoon after church.

I had lunch with two musician friends of mine before the rehearsal yesterday, and talked about wanting to see if I can write libretti at some stage, but I think that'll be later.

How are you and Mr Shaz?

Re: Share a cuppa?

@Shaz51 Morning Shazy, how’s Mr Shaz doing today? Still on antibiotic drip 💧?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Morning @Glisten 

We are home with antibiotics and other meds to help Mr shaz , so total rest day today 

What a day yesterday,  glad that is over 

Even the doctor at the hospital last night said it was too much forr shaz and we should of cancelled 

but there is a very long list 

@tyme , @Jynx , @Ainjoule , @sheba30 , @Tilz , @Dimity , @StuF. @Healandlove 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Oh @Shaz51 !

Sending hugs wrapped in N95 masks and antiseptic wipes


But seriously, hoping you and Mr Shaz get well asap!!!

Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks 😊 @StuF 

I have not got it yet so fingers crossed I don't get it 

How are you going 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Oh that's good that you are still avoiding it @Shaz51 ! Fingers crossed indeed


I'm alright thanks. Having lunch with a couple of mates today which will be nice

Re: Share a cuppa?

What a week for you @Shaz51 . A total rest day sounds appropriate.  Hope the antibiotics etc kick in quickly for Mr shaz. Take care. 

Re: Share a cuppa?

I know @Dimity totally crazy 

cannot believe it from last Friday to today 

and today I was suppose to pick up the sleep apnea home test , but cant do that 

and I have had no updates to see if i was coming or not -- looks like it must of been cancelled 

@Ru-bee , @StuF , @Glisten 

Re: Share a cuppa?

Glad to hear you're proving to be immune so far @Shaz51 but I hope you get some rest today along with Mr Shaz, this week sounds like it's been exhausting for all!

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