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Re: Share a cuppa?

@Snowie @Anastasia I feel stupid worry about covid restrictions for the reasons that I am. I know and understand that others have had it and been impacted by far worse. 

Re: Share a cuppa?

May I join you in a cuppa?

Re: Share a cuppa?

@Bow @Abner @Snowie @Anastasia @Shaz51 @SJT63 


Am I too late for a hot chocolate?



Re: Share a cuppa?

I'm feeling a bit unsure of this technology and my situation right now. I'd love to talk to someone if anyone's there. I've been dealing with mental health and abuse issues on my own most of my life and would like that to change.

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hello @Abner 


I had a pretty traumatic childhood too. My married life is fine but I am impacted by maladaptive coping strategies as well as episodes of unwellness due to mental illness



Re: Share a cuppa?

@Abner hi welcome to the forums.

We are all here to support each other.

@Oaktree you are never to late.

@Bow it is not stupid hon. Your concerns are real and valid. Just because others have had it worse, doesn't mean that you are not able to express your concerns hon. Covid restrictions are hard sweetie and we are impacted in different ways.




Re: Share a cuppa?



It's helpful to tag people otherwise your message gets lost. Just type the @ symbol and choose from the drop down menu or type the users name



Re: Share a cuppa?

Thanks @Snowie I will take mine with a shot of marshmallows 



Anything in particular you want to talk about?



Your experience is absolutely valid 



Re: Share a cuppa?

Yummy @Oaktree I think any hot chocolate needs marshmellows in it.

BTY I love your profile picture!!

Re: Share a cuppa?

hey @Abner yes please join us for a cuppa... and welcome.  i too had an abusive childhood.. and adult life hasnt been the greatest either. trying to learn to cope though.


hey @Oaktree  ive just crawled into bed with a hot chocolate too 🙂

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