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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hahaha ..... loved the "catamaran" image @Former-Member ❣️

Hi everyone 👋💕
Might be a nap afternoon today ..... feeling dozy already.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Second that dozy feeling @Faith-and-Hope 

Currently  trying to find the motivation to go for a ride on my bike.  Always feel great after but days like today the getting dressed up part takes a bit of extra motivation.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Yeah @Determined.  I went to church this morning, but this afternoon I think will be PJ's .....

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Well if you do go on your Bike ride @Determined You will have me cheering you on...

@Faith-and-HopeOne nap is not sufficient for me - then I cannot even doze off (during day) anymore, when I need it.

Having a sleep disorder & complex trauma - "Brain fog" (your term) seems to be my middle name.

I've had 4 breathing/ mindfulness meditations today (15 min each), spread over 6 hours - before starting to feel half-human.


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Funny hump day wednesday pictures, cartoon, saying

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @Adge , @Faith-and-Hope , @Corny , @Determined   @greenpea , @Former-Member , @Former-Member , @outlander , @Smc 

Hugs to everyone xxx 

My computer has died 

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


images - 2020-02-16T152927.707.jpeg


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Oh no @Shaz51 🤭🙁

Not applicable

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Oh no @Shaz51  ... I can commiserate of course ... not having had a PC for over 5 weeks.  I got mine back on Wednesday and now you lose yours.  Do you know what the problem is?

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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