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Re: Hospital and heart problems

Hi there @The-red-centaur
It sounds like things are difficult there for you at the moment. I am glad that you have been communicating with forum members to get yourself some support. I am concerned about you and am just going to send an email.

Re: Hospital and heart problems

@Sans911 I don't know what keeps me living anymore. I know I have to though, I guess that's what it is. And I don't want to hurt anyone.

Re: Hospital and heart problems

My hearts been flaring up the last few days. I hope I don't end up in hospital. Chest pain sucks

Re: Hospital and heart problems

I hope it settles down for you @The-red-centaur

I get chest pain with anxiety, and I've had chest pain at other times requiring ambulance transport and even an angiogram, which thankfully was normal.


I know this might sound lame, but try to relax a little if you can. Some soft music, have a warm drink. And gentle self care. Please take care. Let me know how you are doing tomorrow

Re: Hospital and heart problems

@Sans911 my chest pain is associated with my cardiac issue so it's kinda scary. My heart rate was between 140 and 150 last night. It's not just a matter of relaxing sorry 😞

Re: Hospital and heart problems

@The-red-centaurI am sorry if you thought I misunderstood or dismissed your health concerns, but I have extensive experience as a heart nurse, and I know anxiety can make things much worse. I was only trying to be helpful.It certainly must be pretty frightening when you know your heart rate is that high. Have you considered going to the Emergency Department, seeing your GP or calling your specialist? And apologies again if you have done these things already or if you just have to wait it out. But I don't now a lot about your condition. Are you able to share your disgnosis with me so I have a better understanding? Take care

Re: Hospital and heart problems

@Sans911 I didn't think you dismissing me. And it's cool you were a heart nurse, thanks for your input.
I don't actually have a diagnosis, when I was in hospital they just put it down to tachycardia caused by my psych meds and put me on a beta-blocker. It's just frustrating it's still happening, but I'm due to see my gp next week.

Re: Hospital and heart problems

No worries and thanks @The-red-centaur. I know you're not keen on it but perhaps if your heart rate has been this high for more than 12-24hours along with your chest pain, it's really time to go to hospital by ambulance. I understand your probably not keen on this, but it's important. It all helps to add to your history. Waiting until next week to see your GP is to long.It might simply be due to your meds, but it might not. And they can give you extra meds there safely to bring your heart rate down. It's not safe to have an elevated heart rate for too long, as it puts extra strain on your heart and system. And if you go there and everything gets checked out, then you can come home knowing you took good care of yourself.

Re: Hospital and heart problems

@Sans911 it's settled down today, my average heart rate right now is 70. sorry, I was a bit vague in my last post I meant still happening by that every now and again in the evenings it will peak, it's been nearly a month like this.

Re: Hospital and heart problems

Well, I'm just glad it's settled down @The-red-centaur

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