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Re: just too hard

Hi @Bast @Ricardorider @Former-Member
I had an idyllic childhood. Although times were tough during periods of long droughts, food was always plentiful in our valley through astute use of the barter system. I may have gone to school barefoot but so did the other kids so it didn't matter. I openly loved my parents until the days they died. They've been gone many a long year now.

Despite my idyllic childhood I do have a good appreciation of the harm inflicted on the children who grow up in dysfunctional homes. I have 3 foster daughters who had appalling lives prior to coming in to our home. I still have a lot of contact with these girls although they're in their thirties and fourties and we still work hard to help them come to terms with their pasts so they can live fulfilling lives.

You will survive this difficult time Bast although I'm sure this is hard to believe in your heart of hearts at the moment. Academically I'm certain you see it very differently. Thinking of you.

It's a difficult time as our parents age. There's no easy way to deal with the fears our parents have as they increasingly lose more and more independence and face their own mortality. Love them with all your heart and spend as much time with them as you can. Thinking of you and sending you courage.

I'm so sorry that you are still having difficulties with your daughter. She may not be very likeable at present but try to let her know you love her warts and all. It is hard sometimes but unconditional love is the greatest gift you can give her.

Luv n Hugzzz to all 💕🎶💕

Re: just too hard

@KurraThank you for the encourgement. I do the best I can. Its draining, caring is one of those parts of life which until you do it for any length of time, you never really appreciate how deep you have to dig each day and the build of stress affects you. I do have carer burnout, at least i know and Do what I can to let the build up release. onwards and upwards 🙂 Take care

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