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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Nice! @NatureLover  A 'summer routine' sounds interesting. That's pretty awesome to hear that things are much better than winter. 


I think about you all the time 🙂


Feel free to tag me whenever you want 🙂

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Aww, that's so kind that you think of me! @tyme 


You've been kind to me. I am like one of your success stories: I didn't trust you at the start, but now I do. 


Yes, I love summer. I was a bit lost without a routine but now am enjoying being back in a routine. 


Today was hot though, so I hope you were able to stay cool. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

You know what @NatureLover ? I really appreciate your honestly. It's totally okay that you didn't trust me in the beginning. I absolutely respect that. No hard feelings at all. I like to look at the strengths of all members. 


Everyone has something to give 🙂


As for the summer, I prefer the summer to winter, as long as there's no humidity!


I don't mind the dry heat here in Melb. It's 39 degrees at the moment.


I'm travelling to Sydney later this week. I'm not looking forward to the humidity there. It know it's not as humid as QLD, but it still a lot more humid than Melb.


I kept cool in the pool today.... it was so nice in the pool. Unfortunately, my dog slipped and fell in. Thank goodness I was just there and got her out. But that meant I then had to wash her and clean her.


Other than that, things are pretty okay 🙂


Hope you've had an okay day.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Sorry @tyme , I figured you already knew I hadn't trusted you initially! 


I hope Sydney's not too humid. And how come you've ended up with the dog? I thought it was your family who got the dog, and that you didn't want her? 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Lol. "Family's dog" means my dog. @NatureLover And no, I didn't want her and I still don't want her. Not because I don't care or I don't love her, I just get too anxious with a dog. 


I find myself always worrying about her: Is she too hot? Is she too cold? Do I need to let her out to go to the toilet? Is she sick? Why isn't she eating? Why isn't she drinking? Is her coat too hot for her? Will she hurt herself when there's fireworks?


I can't help it. I don't know how to work around these dog anxieties. Hence I am the one who spends the most time with the dog. I take her out, I take her to the dog park, I groom her, I have her on my lap a lot of the time...


So yes, it's the 'Family' dog.


I guess it's another one of those intrusive thoughts I need to live with.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for explaining, @tyme .


I had read before where you'd written about your intrusive thoughts, one of them being SI. And I am impressed at how you manage to live with that. 


So I hope the anxieties about the dog are manageable. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

You've got a good memory @NatureLover .


TW: SH and SI [please don't click below if you don't feel up to reading about suicidal ideation and self-harm]



Content/trigger warning

Yes, chronic SI. I used to be so down with myself about the chronic SI and constantly believed I was 'faulty'...UNTIL... my psych gave me the permission to have them.


This was a real game changer. 


It sounds so so simple, but it's not. Now, rather than act on the thoughts, the thoughts come and go as they please, but they don't take centre stage. 


This was similar to my SH. I was regularly engaged in SH. It was an addiction. The more I did it, the more I wanted to do it. And I felt so low about myself....once again... until my psych gave me permission to do it. (Please note, I am not condoning SH. Rather, he said "If you have to do, do it safely"). From then on, the urge to maintain control in the form of SH was alleviated and it pretty soon fell away.


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thank you for explaining about the SI and SH, @tyme . It's good to hear.


I know in the past my SH has been a safety valve to prevent suicide attempts.


I like the idea of letting your SI thoughts come and go without focussing on them. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hey @NatureLover , I hope I'm not taking up too much of your time tonight. If you need to go, please don't feel pressured to respond.


With the idea of letting the thoughts come and go, it aligns with one of the principles of acceptance and commitment therapy. It is the "newest" kind of psychotherapy there is out there. It doesn't mean it takes over other more traditional forms such as CBT and DBT, but it's a totally different therapy. It focuses on the use of metaphors to explain things. It also promotes the idea of 'radical acceptance'. 


I did this work with my psych and only years later, I studied it.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @tyme @NatureLover 

🫂 Hugs to you both.

I'm glad you can let thoughts of SH and SI float by without acting on them... as I do...

I can understand anxiety about Ruby's wellbeing and care @tyme . I get very anxious at times about my elderly cat, particularly when he's upset or unwell. 

Today I turned out and cleaned ( and decluttered) a kitchen cupboard.  It took all afternoon. I googled storage tubs at Bunnings and Ikea but they came in under the minimum spend for delivery. Then I booked in to take my old household chemicals to a detox day but I'm not sure how I'll get there... 

I'm so glad you've rediscovered a routine @NatureLover . Your SAD has really lifted with the longer days. 

Onwards and upwards. 


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