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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Glad you're OK, @Dimity . Hope the plumber is not too expensive. 


I still can't decide what's most needed - it all is. So will just start with one end of the house and work from there maybe. 


Hoping you feel able to tackle what's on your list today ❤️

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I achieved nothing yesterday - it was all too overwhelming. (Well, I did do a laundry wash and dry.)

So this morning I hope to go gently and just do whatever I feel like, as long as it's tidying or gardening of some sort. At least, I might wait for the forecast sunshine this afternoon to do the gardening. 


Thinking of you and hoping that you're coping 🤞 Sending care ❤️

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm overwhelmed too @NatureLover . Yes let's go gently and see what we can do. 


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I achieved some cleaning and tidying.  Thanks for inspiring me @NatureLover . Hope you achieved some success too.

I'm dreading tomorrow - an early start with a new helper to tackle my storage. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Well done for cleaning and tidying yesterday despite feeling overwhelmed, @Dimity  🙂


I hope today goes well with the new helper - is it the one you haven't met yet? Also that accessing your storage goes OK... I hope it all goes better then you expect 🤞

I managed to tidy the bedroom and the bathroom and some of the lounge-room yesterday. Then I got sucked into researching new NBN plans. I've already spent a full day researching new mobile phone plans, last week. I'm trying to cut costs. It seems harder to reduce the cost of internet though. I will need to make some phone calls next week. 

Today seems so cold, and my heater is playing up - it keeps stopping. It's old, so I assume the thermostat gets overheated or something.


Thinking of you...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Well done on the tidying @NatureLover . 

I need to update my NBN plan too as I'm paying for more than I need.

That's a nuisance re your heater. Perhaps you or your landlord could get it serviced - if it's gas I'd check the flue and the filters, not just the thermostat.  My a/c is finally running properly so I've turned down the thermostat. I'm still working out what I should set it on.

Today went very well with my new helper and we brought back 11 boxes. Now I need to process them. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Dimity wrote:

Today went very well with my new helper and we brought back 11 boxes. Now I need to process them. 

So pleased to hear! 🙂 Does this mean you can keep your new helper and get rid of the other one? Will your new helper help on the house as well as with transport? 


The heater here is a reverse cycle aircon, and I know what the problem is - the fan is old and runs too fast. I had an aircon specialist in to look at it and they said it was too old for a new part, they don't make them any more; so the only solution is a whole new aircon. That's not something the landlord would do, unless (maybe?) the aircon died. 


So pleased your aircon is working well now. 


Yesterday I tackled the blackberries and filled 2 garden bins. Am pleased. It meant I didn't get much done on the house, but I figured it was nice and sunny yesterday whereas it will rain this week. 


Good luck today with whatever you work on...

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

That's disappointing re the a/c @NatureLover. You can't rely on it for heating if it keeps cutting out

Well done re the blackberries, I know what hard work they are.

The new helper seems better at cleaning than decluttering but I'm grateful for any help she can give me, including moral support. Transport is certainly a big help.

I think the main task tomorrow will be facing the drudgery of going through books and papers, to reduce the box count. It would also be good to clear the big coffee table. 

Good luck with your tasks.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Dimity wrote:

The new helper seems better at cleaning than decluttering but I'm grateful for any help she can give me, including moral support. Transport is certainly a big help.

This is great, @Dimity . Will she help you immediately after your eye surgery? 


Thanks re the blackberries! More to do but the next step is buying the shadecloth for the fence, now that I've cleared the fenceline. 


Today I have a routine mammogram and an IT session at the library for help with my mobile phone, before I switch providers. That's a big day for me so am not sure I'll get any tidying done. 


Papers are hard, slow work - good luck today. And with the coffee table. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover I hope your day was successful and the mammogram not traumatic. 

The night following surgery I'll have help from a family connection - I was bowled over by the offer but I'm still very fearful.

I had help in the garden today. I got through some papers - a fair bit of shredding - but not the coffee table. Tomorrow my priority is books as I need to push through more boxes before Friday. 

Wednesday tomorrow.  Good luck - I hope we can both see a difference after our efforts.





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