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Looking after ourselves

Re: MH in the workplace

@tyme @I have gone so far ok. I have had a few drinks with friends and now at home and will see how things go

Re: MH in the workplace

I'm glad to hear it's okay @Hyperballad .


Hope it stays that way. I'm here if you need a chat.

Re: MH in the workplace

@tyme  It ended up getting a little rougher yesterday and this morning I’m still feeling it a bit. I’ve been doing breath work and reached out to the MH team at my nearby hospital. A year ago I wasn’t necessarily in this position but I’ve been in a position of dealing with a lot of anxiety about the future and regret about my life choices, with the stuff of therapy adding to it. I’m just going to ride this out to see whether there’s a non-linesr pattern of therapy hangover and improvement. 

Re: MH in the workplace

Hi @Hyperballad 


I'm so glad to hear you've reached out to the MH team at hospital. That can be such a scary step but it's so amazing of you to have done that. Have you heard back from them yet?

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