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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Memberimages - 2020-02-27T093331.195.jpeg


images - 2020-02-27T093538.675.jpeg


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Thanks @Former-Member ðŸ’–

Wish my water lily looked like that, instead of empty stems. Love the little frog there too.

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


Perhaps check for caddis fly on your water lily.

images - 2020-02-27T095720.000.jpeg


Eggs are in a gelatinous ring.Eggs are in a gelatinous ring.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

@Former-Member, I can relate to that "sitting on the sidelines" feeling. With my Mum in hospital at the moment, it can be so hard getting an accurate idea of what's happening. Smiley Frustrated Shall we sip while we sit... ?


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

I have been asked to put together some cheese platters for a do next month (can be same or different)


Sending out an SOS as to what cheeses/ accompaniments are seen as desirable on such a platter.

(ie any favourite cheeses, pickles, fruit, nuts etc).


@Faith-and-Hope  @Former-Member  @Smc  @Determined   @Shaz51  @Adge  @outlander 





Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Haha @Former-Member  I have absolutely no imagination where that is concerned.

I usually look at the shelf and go 

eenie meenie miney moh


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Gee thanks @Former-Member  for that info on waterlilies and the caddis fly.  The article is really very helpful, certainly more so than anything I had been able to find on the 'net.  So thanks heaps.  I cannot say that I have seen any of those caddis fly's in the pond or on the water lily however.  And I havent noticed any of those very destinctive egg rings.  I will definitely keep a look out for them however.


I'm beginning to wonder if maybe my 2 fish are looking to breed?  Maybe they are just looking to shred something in order to lay eggs in there?  I must do more research.  Could account for any sudden change in dietary habits?  The second fish was only small when I got it, the other one quite large.  Now they are both almost the same size.  So perhaps breeding could be an issue now that summer is almost gone.  


Sherry 💕

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Oh @Smc ... I love that picture ... so much about it is simply gorgeous.  Yes ... lets do that ... sit and sip.  Sounds nice.

I'm sorry to hear that your Mum is in hospital right now.  Its really hard isnt it?  Is this a long term admission?


Sherry 💖

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

It is the nature of the damage to the water lilies which made me suspect that critter @Former-Member . This is a picture of the larvae. Eggs might be underneath the leaves and the moth comes out at night.

Caddis fly larvaeCaddis fly larvae


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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Cheese platters @Former-Member  ... there is so much to choose from.  I usually like to put in 2 or 3 different varieties of crackers.  I also like to add a few berries (straw, blue, rasp) or selection of black and white grapes, for some colour and variety.  As for the cheese types .. gee where do you start?  Definitely an aged chedder or tasty crumbly cheese; a blue cheese (stilton) for those who like them (personally I dont); soft cheese - either brie or camembert; another variety of hard cheese, eg edam or gouda; if you need another one ... perhaps one of the soft cheeses with other stuff in them.  I also like a paste on there as well .. quince is always nice with cheese.  You could add some mixed raw nuts if you like.


Use your imagination and add more or less cheese varieties (and extras) depending on how many you are catering for.


Sherry 😊

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