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Newbie LGBTQI+, Neurodiverse, CPTSD MDD GAD

Hi All

First time posting on the forum. I loved the support SANE offered with one-on-one calls during a complex time earlier this year.

I'm 29, gender-fluid, married to by best friend who is pregnant with our first child together, step-parent to my wife's 7yo, managing the challenges that come with living in a society not built for neurodiversity. 

My wife and I are about to embark on our biggest challenge yet, navigating the family court system to fight for the right to have consistent access to my wife's son.

Dealing with the manipulation and control that this little boys other parent uses to get their way has been so hard on both of us. I'm feeling so drained and triggered today especially, after helping my wife with the paperwork and correspondence to start the court/access process. Any self-care tips from anyone else who understands even a little bit of this incredibly complicated issue would be amazing.


Re: Newbie LGBTQI+, Neurodiverse, CPTSD MDD GAD

Hey @Courtney17 ,


Thank you for sharing.


Your situation is not uncommon. I hope other members on the forums will be able to provide you some insight.


Have you ever contacted this advice line?


It may be helpful.

Re: Newbie LGBTQI+, Neurodiverse, CPTSD MDD GAD

That website has been a really valuable source of information over the last couple of years for us. We actually found a Dispute Resolution service through it. Unfortunately, Mediation has not been able to resolve the parenting dispute, which is why we've reached the point of last resort, and are filing to family court.

Re: Newbie LGBTQI+, Neurodiverse, CPTSD MDD GAD

Welcome to the forum @Courtney17.  I don't have any experience with these sort of legal issues so I don't have any advice to offer.  I just wanted to welcome you and I hope you can get some success through the family courts.  Other than that, just stay focused on that fight and hopefully things will improve greatly for you with the right result.  All the very best to you Courtney and we're here to listen if you need it.  Hopefully someone who has some experience with this can offer you some advice.

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