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Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

Thanks for your replies and care, I'm sorry to worry everyone.


@Appleblossom the number on the script is the same on Google for the hospital in general, so I assume it would be the front desk, I don't know.


@outlander I'll be okay, I'm going to try and get some sleep soon.


@MDT good night, I understand. Thanks for checking in and saying you will tomorrow

Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

Hope you get some sleep tonight 😴😴😴

Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

Thank you @outlander . I hope everyone else has some good sleep too.


I have insomnia and I have nightmares and flashbacks but lately I've been having weird dreams, some make me laugh like one I had last night.


I had a dream about young Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam (yeah I'm a fan haha)  and he was climbing up this power pole that was on fire and he got a little burnt but he was okay, but then we were in the back of some car and he gave this jacket to me and that's all I remember, and he tried kissing me.


What on earth is my brain, what kind of a dream is that? Mind you that's normal compared to some I've had.


I had one a few nights ago that my Psychiatrist called me to say that he's not a psychiatrist anymore and he's becoming a baker.


LOL I can't help but laugh at them. Must be these meds. I've had some flashbacks but mostly weird dreams like this which i'd rather since I just laugh (you can all laugh too I'm not offended by it, I laugh aswell and I'm just as confused)

Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

Morning @Former-Member. Hope today has started out OK enough after what looks to have been a rough night for you

Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

Thanks @CheerBear , I'm still down today.


I ended up speaking to Lifeline on the web chat for a bit last night

Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

Sorry to hear that @Former-Member. Great you reached out last night.

I hope there's something that can bring some peace or comfort to your day today ❤

Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

Thanks again @CheerBear . I really don't know what to do.


I can't get any other help, just the new GP and my Psychiatrist. Don't have the GP until the 13th and my Psychiatrist until the 30th which is even further away. 


I can't go to the triage as I mentioned in other posts, and there's nothing else around here for me. There's a place for youth like me but it's for people struggling with accomodation, pregnancies, etc so that's not the right place, without being harsh. Or there's places for people with disabilities which I don't fit into. That's about it apart from Headspace where I went to and that was awful for me. Oh and Wellways but there doesn't seem to be anything there that's of interest to me

Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

It sucks to be stuck like you are @Former-Member. In my experience places can be quite hit and miss. You might have an awful experience with one person one time then a really helpful experience with a different someone a different time. It's hard to try again and push through though.

What kind of help are you after? Sometimes getting very clear about that can make it easier for me to find too.

Re: Is anyone around tonight? Depressed and suicidal

Yeah I agree with you @CheerBear .


Well mostly just meeting people in their teens and 20s (I'm 20) would be a start, just doing activities (whatever really) and just trying to make friends.


But I was also thinking something like just going to a group and being there for each other, like sitting down and just talking out each other's problems. Something like that. I thought that's what the mental health triage would do just for support not admit people but I guess I was wrong

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