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Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

Where to start?


1)I love collecting things that I had in my childhood.Old books,toys,etc.Nothing better like having something that makes you feel good.I also collected old vinyl records.Its a passion.It takes your mind off of your health problems.Gives you breathing space.


2)Self help.I like learning.While I've got time to read I can learn something.I like buying self help books so I can get an education on something missing in my life.Knowledge is a great thing.


3)Self pride.Be proud of yourself.Accept yourself for who you are and what you.You got to this point in your age.Its all the experiences you had in your life.You can make changes for the future or you can sit on your backside and wait.Be proud of you.You're all you've got.

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

Good for you! Thanks for sharing.

I think it can be a very hard thing to find a sense of being able to grow and learn with a MI, or in spite of it at times, and even more to find some sense of quiet pride in surviving and being. 🙂 If you read through the forum quite a few people have suggested various books they've found helpful.

Kind Regards,


Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

Its great when we can share our knowledge so others will benefit.If it changes 1 person's day then its already achieved something.

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

giggle Smiley Very Happy

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

Thanks for the post Denv,

I've found that meditation helps with both self help and self pride.

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

Hi Kristin, still can't figure out how to upload pics from my iPad but my best op shop buy today was a Janet Evanovich book, Lean Mean 13, a Stephanie Plum novel for 50 cents! I also bought a book on footy coaches for 50 cents for the sports lovers at home, and stopped at that, $1 for a weekend of reading pleasure😄😄😄

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

I have collecting in my genes I think. Lots of op shops in town which I visit regularly. Have collections of Carleton Ware, blue and white, KLM houses, Greek villages, embroidery. Books....children's, Napoleonic era naval fiction, computer role playing games.

I have discovered I am quite poetical....I certainly am a romantic.

I have the thumb of death re: anything gardening.

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

I love how open and honest everyone here is/has been. I really struggle with being honest with anyone I don't know. But here much more comfortable.
So thats one thing lol

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

Hello, my name is Catriona and I am the Mind + Body Project Coordinator at SANE Australia. As I am new to the forums I thought I’d share three random facts about who I am…

  1. I love coffee
  2. On weekends I like getting out of the city and going for a bike ride in the Dandenong’s, and
  3. I’m trying to get back into knitting! 

I look forward to hopefully chatting with you more soon.

Re: What you dont know about me, that I'd like you to know.

Welcome Catriona, you might want to check out caffeine post elsewhere on the site..nuknik can no doubt direct you to it, something about the pause that refreshes?
We are a diverse bunch of latte lovers, tea drinkers, green or traditional and possibly smokers too..and then are those of us who enjoy yarning with wool or words, online or offline..building communities of care everywhere...

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