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Re: Reintegrating into life

@Former-Member you’re working?!  You are very lucky. I have been assessed as Totally and Permanently disabled though would love to do 3 hours or so volunteer work for a mental health organisation or something.  You are very blessed to be working 40 hours a week.


My diagnosis was late. For that reason  It made it very hard to accept I it for a number of years.  But once I did I whole heartedly comply with my meds.  I never want to lose my mind again.


you are right I did get to experience a normal life and I am thankful for that but grieve for her too.  I had an anxiety g career, I worked overseas, I was married and two kids, I had friends and energy.  I feel so cheated that all that got taken away.  But then again my kids tell me I am now a better mum than I ever was.  So I don’t know.  

I kind of need to sit with the grief and be prepared to let it go, and embrace my life as it is.  I have an amazing partner in my life who met me when I was unwell and accepts me and my illness and I am excited about my journey with him and hopefully growing old together.  I am lucky to have found true love in my period of unwellness.  I am excited to see my children grow up.  I am so proud of the young men they are turning into.  I am thankful to have bought and renovated a home in my dream suburb last year.  I am grateful that before I became unwell I made the most of each day.


you sound really flat.  I am looking forward to that chat about living with schizophrenia.  I’d love to hear peoples experiences and how they live with the stigmatisation and marginalisation.

Not applicable

Re: Reintegrating into life

Yeah, females develop schizophrenia later in life, but chances of recovery is higher if detected later in life, so I’m not sure about the total and permanent disablement, maybe get a second opinion.


Great to hear you have a partner or a mr in your life along with 2 kids definitely need to up my game lol. I definitely feel the schizophrenia at times I get constant worrying which can be controlled but meds have lessened some delusions I had very early on, delusion free for quiet some time…


yeah they’re are others around with similar diagnosis hope you get to share your experience with them as it’s quiet good to know you’re not alone @Anon1975 

Re: Reintegrating into life

It is completely understandable to grieve for the differences in your life now to what it was @Anon1975, and what you have lost. As you've said, it's important to take time to allow yourself to sit with those feelings of grief and loss.


I'm also seeing several little glimmers in your post, such as having found your partner, creating your dream home and watching your kids grow up. These are all wonderful things.  Both of these, the grief (even gloom if that arises) and the glimmers, are important.


Hope to see you at the Topic Tuesday next week, and in the mean time, if you haven't already and would like to, you're welcome to join the Schizophrenia Awareness week discussion here

Re: Reintegrating into life

I have been reading your posts with interest as I relate.. Although my husband is still around.. just.. he keeps telling me if I don't snap out of it I should go because I'm draining the families life... but hey I am honestly trying.. getting some good tips on this site... go LifeLine xox

Re: Reintegrating into life

I am just going to say I wish I could just hug you and feel like you know we.share something. Bless you

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