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Re: New look me

Welcome home I say @CheerBear Glad you are back.  💜🤗💐

Re: New look me

Thanks @Shaz51, @Mazarita, @Former-Member 😊

@Phoenix_Rising - I'll look forward to reading your wave adventure once little fish are at school. 100% success rate at riding waves - gotta keep remembering this.

@Former-Member - I hope things are lifting a bit for you. You've been on my mind. I'm really looking forward to chatting to you properly sometime 💗

@Mazarita - hope you're doing well too. I'm sitting outside at the moment (it's freeeeeeIng) but sunlight is just starting to creep in and I can hear the sounds of tiny little birds starting to wake. We have lots of fruit trees and they love bouncing around in them. It's peaceful and lovely. Hope you get a moment like that today too.
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Re: New look me

Oh btw @CheerBear you weren't here when i chnaged my name but it use to be scared01 ❤ but the title little caterpillar stuck around so i changed it

Re: New look me

@CheerBear wrote:

@Phoenix_Rising - I'll look forward to reading your wave adventure once little fish are at school. 100% success rate at riding waves - gotta keep remembering this.

@CheerBear You are taking your little fish to school? Fish? School? Am I the only one that giggled at that {looks around to see if Phoenix_Rising is the only one ROFL}. Now I have a picture of you in my brain which looks something like this video clip: Smiley LOL I plan to stay off the forum now until Friday Feast tonight - hope you can make it. Smiley Happy

Re: New look me

Hahaha - no that was said with a giggle to myself too, wondering whether it would be picked up 😁. Of course it didn't slip past you @Phoenix_Rising! Enjoy your forum free day. I have appointments and little fish finishing early today so I won't be around much. But will be at FNF (eating ice cream in the background because I'm too slow to keep up in busy places).

Re: New look me

Hey @Former-Member - I totally was here when you changed your name! I was only gone for 2 days haha 😊
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Re: New look me

haha see felt like you were gone forever @CheerBear

Re: New look me

Aww, it's bananas thinking how much can happen and change in just a couple of days. Also how much time can feel soooooo slow and then so fast sometimes (and sometimes almost at the same time) @Former-Member! My days feel like weeks and weeks feel like years at the moment, but then I wonder how it's almost Easter already when it seems as if I have only just packed away the Christmas tree!
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Re: New look me

yes it was only yesterday i think it was i was talking to @Faith-and-Hope that i noticed my little sunflower  (thats if you still want to be a sunflower) was gone! and here you are 🙂

yes i know time goes very quickly, i hope it goes even more fast around easter as thats a harder time for me, im still taking down xmas lights lol


Re: New look me

Thanks for tagging me in here @Former-Member ..... 😊

Hi @CheerBear ..... welcome back to the forums .... so good to see you ....,

Had been looking for some special cupcakes to post for you, but wasn't happy with the ones I found, and wasn't sure where to post them anyway while I couldn't tag you to them ..... this avatar will be easier .... lol .....

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