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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Oh no @NatureLover bad asthma! I'm glad you'll be seeing the gp tomorrow about everything, and have already consulted your pharmacist. Keeping warm in bed sounds very wise. I fervently hope you turn the corner soon.

I've just had my helper. We took more stuff to the opshop then continued cleaning the house. I have far more rubbish than will fit in the little red bin... letting things go. 

I think I should try to sort my paperwork next. 

Take care @NatureLover and get well soon.


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks, @Dimity ❤


I'm in bed but my hands are still icy. Can't get them warm. They've been icy for weeks. And we're only half way through winter! 


Having too much rubbish for your red bin is a pain but it's also a big victory 🙂 Well done. And I am just so glad your new helper is a good help, and that you persevered when getting a new helper seemed impossible. 👏


I took a Covid RAT test and it was negative, so that's a hopeful sign. 


Good luck with your paperwork 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm glad you don't have covid @NatureLover now let's hope it's not flu.

Your poor hands... sore and itchy and cold.

This helper can't/won't help with decluttering and organising, but she's been helpful in other way

I found the medical files and will deal with them tomorrow. I need a better system with paperwork. 

Take care and good luck with your gp appt.



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks for your caring message @Dimity ❤


I'm sorry that helper won't help with decluttering, bother. 😣


The GP gave me steroids for my bad asthma thank goodness, and solved the mystery of the triple-PCR tests. She said she could do one today but it would take 4 days to get a result. Whereas if I bought one from the chemist it would take one day. 


So I went to a different chemist and got a triple test. Got home, had shower and hair wash after germy GP clinic and chemist, now am exhausted in bed. Will take the triple test this afternoon. 


It's strange - usually my fear of germs disappears if I get sick, just while I'm sick...but this time it hasn't actually. 


Well done for finding medical files 👏  I hope you have good luck and strength dealing with them today 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Sounds like a big day @NatureLover . Did you get a result from the test?

I'm very glad you got help with your asthma. 

I'm a bit overwrought.  Cranky about having to resend the lost surgery paperwork today then more arrived tonight... it takes hours to print at the library and get to the  post  office to express post and I'll have to do it again tomorrow. The cat and I are stressing each other - he's caterwauling and refusing to eat. I just can't straighten the place in time. And the a/c isn't working again. 

Hoping tomorrow is kind to you. Maybe you can catch up on some reading?  




Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

OMG @Dimity ! Not eating? Caterwauling? Do you need to take him to the vet?


My triple test came back clear, thankfully. 


I'm sorry about the big hassle with the paperwork... It sounds like the hospital lost some of your completed paperwork? 😥


And your a/c, oh no 😣 Is that your source of heat? 


Yes, am staying in bed today. 


Good luck today... 🤞

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @NatureLover I'm glad it's not flu, so hopefully it will pass quickly. 

None of my notifications are working. 

I had the cat at the vet last week and we thought he'd improved a little so didn't do the bloods I'd requested. He ate a small tin of gourmet food this afternoon so he can eat when he chooses to. 

Yes the hospital and surgeon lost some paperwork. Today I couldn't do the anaesthetist's paperwork as the library system was down. 

I still have the gas heater to fall back on. I don't have time to get the a/c looked at atm. You must be very frustrated with your a/c. Do you have any other heating?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Phew, I'm glad your cat is eating something, at least. I wonder why the vet didn't do what you requested? 


Oh no that you trekked to the library and couldn't print the paperwork! 😣 I presume you have to trek out again in the rain today? 🫂


Even if it's not the flu, it seems to be lingering. I've still got a very runny nose plus coughing plus asthma. Day 6 now. 


No, no other heating here but I'm mostly in bed as that's the warmest place. Just hopping up to do laundry, basic tidying or make meals. The aircon works most of the time. I'm glad to hear you have a gas heater as well, phew. 


My new soap-free bars are weird - like chalk. But I haven't been itchy on them. I like the matching sensitive skin hand cream too. 


My notifications aren't working either.


Good luck today 🤞


@Dimity 💜

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

6 days is a lot @NatureLover . Hopefully not too much longer. I'm glad your a/c works most of the time but the times it doesn't would be a pain.

I don't need to trek to the library again - they said I could consent via SMS instead of the signed form. 

That's an odd texture for soap. I hope it's not abrasive. It's great if it works and lets you use the lightbox. 

I've just bought a new essential oil diffuser. A small pleasure. 

Stay warm, keep up the fluids, get well soon.





Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , I'm glad you can consent via SMS, phew. 


Day 8 here and not much change. Hmmm. 


No, the chalky soap's not abrasive. 


I see you did lots of paperwork and shredding - well done! 👏


How long now till your eye surgery? 

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